Force4DISC individual test

Turn your personality into your greatest force

How well do you know yourself?
Everyone has their own specific ways of behaving and communicating, and these can be seen as strengths or weaknesses depending on the context, the decisions to be made, the people we're dealing with... It's all a question of knowing how to adapt!
Identifying your DISC personality will take you under 20 minutes and can really change your daily life for the better.

Why choose the disc test?

Because it defines you, quickly and easily, as one of the 4 main personality types, according to whether you're naturally Dominant, Influential, Steady or Conscientious. Your profile is then refined according to the motivations underlying your actions and interactions. This self-knowledge is extremely valuable in both your professional and your private life!

understanding DISC profiles

Why choose the disc test?

I know my profile: what's next?

In addition to better understanding your own behavior, you'll be able to identify the behavior of others. You can then adapt your communication style and your attitude to help you get messages across, both to friends and family and to your colleagues. Our training programs will help you to develop your strengths and optimize your management skills.

discover our training programs

I know my profile: what's next?

What will i get out of this?

Once you have taken the test, you will receive a detailed report on your profile and the motives behind your behavior. This is not an IQ test. There are no good or bad results. Your personality report will be stored on your user account. It will help you improve how you communicate, by adapting to your contacts and your teams.

consult a case study

What will i get out of this?

Are you a pro?

Identify your team's profiles to improve efficiency.

A genuine management tool, the FORCE4 test takes comes into its own within a team. Getting to know yourself and your colleagues in a professional context promotes communication and group discussions. Managers can identify which co-workers have complementary profiles and which profiles need to be added to particular projects. This enables collective gains in terms of productivity and cohesion and makes for a pleasantly stress-free environment.

see our pro packs

Are you a pro?

And this is all in confidence?

Of course! The Force4DISC test and the profiles defined by it comply with GDPR regulations. The security and reliability of our website provide the initial proof you can trust us. And we are committed to safeguarding your personal data.

Test results are strictly confidential. Their sole purpose is to improve your self-knowledge, define your profile and serve as a basis for considered thought and discussion about your personality. In complete confidence!

consult our data protection policy

And this is all in confidence?

Why work with us?

The Force4DISC test
is open to all,
individuals or professionals
No certification,
subscription or accreditation
A comprehensive analysis
of your profile at
an attractive price
Data is stored
on our totally
secure site